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Welcome to your fantasy come reality...

Hi! Whenever I have an announcement to make, need to take time off, or if I'm fully booked with customs I will update this page.

Happy belated Kinkship Day! I hope you had a relaxed and gentle day yesterday.

PLEASE READ FOR MARCH BOOKINGS! Unfortunately I have been plagued with Mastitis since October last year, I'm finally getting help from the doctors. However I've already had 10 days worth of antibiotics, and it hasn't been enough, so I'm on them for another 10 days. In the UK this wouldn't be an issue but the only antibiotic they can give me in the US has some heavy side effects so my work has had to slow down immensely whilst I recover, as well as I'm now having to get some additional tests done to make sure theres nothing nefarious going on. Thank you for your patience!
I shall continue to update when and where I can, for the meantime my February calendar is up to date and I won't be booking in anymore customs until the end of March. I know for a fact that all of my bookings with Mr. F are now fully booked until mid April, so make sure you get in touch ahead of time if you need a camera man, actor, or rigger.
Rates will be changing in April so please book ahead of time for the best deal possible, also get in touch if you are interested in joing the monthly custom club.

Happy holidays and happy new year!
I hope you are all well and have a gentle year ahead of you.
As I have written below, this year is very uncertain for creators like me who are living in the US and I'm afraid I can't guide any of you as to how things will go. All I can do is reiterate that if you would like a custom from myself or others in my position then please be sure to book yourself in sooner rather than later :)

In other news, I am experiencing technical difficulties with my ring light which has indeed stopped all productions. If you would like to donate to the light fund, I'd be very grateful :D

So long as nothing drastic has to change, this year will be awesome! Bigger and better films, more BDSM, more Mr. F, more O's, more content, and bigger ideas. Things I have filmed so far for you all to look forward to in the future;
Hair kinks & Hair washes
Foot Worship
Floggings with a F**king machine ;)
Casual Bondage 
& so much more to look forward to!

I am just now getting myself settled back into work, and wow there is a lot to catch up with!
Wisdom teeth removal: went very well! Was eating solid food later that evening, I wish I hadn't worried so much.
Time off all Nov: it as so freaking good! However I feel like all I did was recharge rather than actually rest, as I was having to do so much catchup on other parts of my life. But I am not complaining!
Brit living in the US, US elections will this impact customs: Yes. I just don't know when :( And  I don't know what will impact me first, my being English, or with the US looking to criminalise my job. I have a bag packed and I am ready to leave last minute no matter what. Please be aware that when I go back to the UK it could take months before I'll be able to shoot your customs again as I'll be living with my mum until I get back on my feet. So, please think about ordering your
customs now.
You may not f**k with politics, but politics will f**k with you.
Recent injuries: I'm somewhat between doctors at the moment so I can't get checked out, but I'm currently dealing with some severe pain in both of my arms. I think its tendonitis, which means I just have to rest them and wait it out, so this does slow me down for shooting any bondage beyond my arms being cuffed in front of me :(
Website update: as I'm making my way through my website, I can't help but notice some questions being repeated which I will reply to. But I do need to make a little time to update some info here and there, and also make some changes.
A big question I'm being asked is if I can send a showreel of my Final Girl scenes. Currently I can't as anything gory has started to flag up on Wetransfer, and I don't want to get banned, so bear with me whilst I come up with a workaround. If I can't send a show reel, then I can't send a gory custom eek!
Due to some horrendous behaviours by a couple of "customers", I'm afraid to say that they have ruined it for everyone and its time I start locking in some more business structures, especially around payments. I really wanted to throw the towel in last month as these individuals were the last straw, but I'll instead begin by having stricter measures implemented.
My current golden customers don't have to worry about major changes, other than checking with me first before sending a payment incase anything has since changed :)

Its not all doom and gloom I swear! In fact all these nightmare customers from this year have actual inspired me to make a couple of fun videos which if you're on my LF, then you'll get to enjoy them in the new year.
Here are some positive notes for you.
I have a gorgeous opossum visit me most nights, and it is so much fun to watch him. I got to spot a baby beaver twice in as many days, which was amazing. The squirrels and birds get within touching distance now as they're so used to me. I've finished two games in my time off which they were both so much fun, The Quarry, and Life is Strange: True Colours. I've caught up on a huge sewing project of mine, fixing a big bag of our clothes that we have avoided wearing for one reason or another, we have clothes to wear again lol. I have gotten to take my time with cooking again so I could enjoy what I was making. I watched The Handmaidens Tale from beginning to end and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
And because I'm me, I couldn't 100% turn my brain away from work, so I came up with a lot of ideas, and now I'm making plans on how to put it all together!

Kink-mas has never looked so busy! 
There is a lot going on as you can see on my calendar, if you are one of the many waiting on a response then please just sit tight and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!


So, I was supposed to have my wisdom teeth removed last week and be in the middle of taking time off. That has not happened due to the US health care system being shockingly awful and the hospital dropping my insurance only 3 days prior to the surgery.
I have gotten booked in elsewhere, and have my fingers crossed that it doesn't all fall apart again!
I'm now booked for the 4th of November and shall continue to work up until then, please check out my updated Calendar & Schedule page for more detailed information.
I have 4 Custom Dates Left Available for October
If you would like a custom now rather than waiting until the 13th of December please do get in touch soon, first come first served :D

Right as you should all know by now, I am taking most of October off to focus on healing after dental surgery as well as I'm well overdue a break! I might monitor my emails, however please don't expect to hear from me until closer to the 28th of October. 
I am now FULLY BOOKED WITH CUSTOMS throughout all of September and October.
I am now taking bookings for November, when I take long period of time off I do get booked quickly so if you would like a slot in November please get in touch soon with your deposit to secure your date.

Looks likes I'm going to need a couple of personal days starting right now.
Came down with the worst of headaches last night which I've managed to sleep off. However since I got up this morning I've been struggling with a fever and chills.

Going to step away from work for a couple of days to head this thing off. *Sigh*
I SHOULD have listened to my body last week when it was telling me it needed a break. Lesson learnt!
This is supposed to be my week to catch up on admin, emails, and editing. If you're waiting to hear from me please be patient at this time as I'm afraid editing must take priority to ensure customers get their custom on time.

Hugs and kisses!

Hello darlings!
Once again I find myself very busy and its only going to get busier!
Thanks to my lovely friend Dr. Shh, we now all have a calendar to check out.
This site has been updated by adding a FAQ page, the calendar and schedule page of course, Mr. F's rates have changed, I've added additional fee information for solo shooting and WAM sets. More testimonials have gone up thanks to my other lovely friend Tom the Writer. 
Check out his sexy stories of my adventures here: TOMTHEWRITER
Very soon I shall be taking a lot of time of due to vaccines and having my wisdom teeth removed, so please book your custom date ASAP before they're gone, and I don't know when I'll feel like myself again so I won't be booking in advance.
I've also once again hurt my back so bear with me as I may have to move some bondage shoots around.

Stay groovy my friends,
Scarlett xx

Hello my lovelies!
A lot has been happening! Firstly I am doing well, still recovering and struggle a bit with fatigue so I do a lot of sleeping throughout the day, obviously this has slowed down how many emails I can get through each day.
Customs are absolutely my first priority so rest assured I will get back to your email when I have a moment spare and am feeling up to it. 
I have also been very busy with life BTS, as I have had to move from OF over to another platform called LoyalFans (I love LF so much!). OF was less than friendly to us model types, content was constantly being removed for no reason, the kinky goal posts were always being moved and I had had enough. Of course moving 4+ years worth of content has been time consuming, as well as having to shoot tons of new content so that was going up each day.
I'm also in the middle of revamping this website so it looks and feels cleaner for you to visit, I'll even have a live calendar for you to check out soon. That way you can see when I'm fully booked, on holiday, and what my current work hours are. 
Just a headsup, just like most businesses I don't work over the weekends. And I'll actually being winding down to just a 4 day work week, to help with my chronic fatigue syndrome.
I'm also in Physical Therapy three times a week to sort a slipped disc as well as a few other back issues. So if you have asked for a physically demanding custom and I haven't gotten back you yet, its just because I don't have any new news other than my back really hurts :( 

Besides my back being older than me, I'm doing pretty well. I'm no longer sick all the time, the brain fog has lifted, and I can actually go out and have a life at the weekends albeit gently :D
So watch this space for more news, follow me on Twitter for more updates, and if you want live updates then sign up my Loyalfans!

Hello! If you have been waiting to hear from me then please read on incase I have answered your question here 😀 I am now away until the 20th of May, all messages will be responded to then!
How are you Scarlett?
I am still quite unwell, and am taking some time to look after myself during this time. Currently the drs are testing me for issues with my diaphragm, allergies, as well as auto immune issues. No I'm afraid I haven't gotten any answers as to why my health has fallen into such a decline, whats causing me so much pain, or what they can do to get me back to work any faster.
Can I message you?
Sure! However I am now going to be away until the 20TH OF MAY as I have a lot of appointments and will be unable to juggle work until after that time.
Can I get a custom?
You can of course discuss your custom ideas with me either on here or via email
However due to my health concerns I may not be able to take your custom on until I'm feeling better. If your custom isn't physically demanding, I may be able to book you in sooner rather than later.
Can I get a free trial to the platform you are moving to?
Yes you sure can! Just follow me on Loyal fans and message me there.
You can follow me for free on there and then I'll send you a subscription through a message :)

Not an official statement as such but I know people are waiting to hear from me. My physical health took a turn over the weekend, and in all honesty it and a few other developments in my family life have caused my mental health to spiral as well. At best I'm struggling from stomach ulcers brought on by stress, at worst well it could be anything.
I'm sure you can imagine I'm in a bit of a stress cycle, and have been in constant pain which only sleeping can give me relief.
I'm not sure what I should do workwise, as obviously I wasn't expecting to get ill again, let alone with something new and so debilitating.
Also I've been locked out of my work email since last week, might have been hacked or some bug on their side, still trying to get it recovered. So, if you have messaged there since Tuesday last week, then I still haven't seen it, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

In short, I'm very very not well. And there are some personal family developments going on that I won't be addressing at any point on here or otherwise, but want you all to understand that it is and will continue to affect both my health and my work.
I'll be asking for more of your grace and patience for the foreseeable future, as replies will be slow and I'm not sure when I'll be able to take on customs.

Happy New Year!
By the end of December I had finally caught up with all of my admin, it was grueling! However it needed to be done, and it is a WEIGHT off of my shoulders. Now as you can read in my last update (below), I haven't been, and I am STILL waiting on appointments. But I have also been on the FODMAP diet (it is very boring) and I have began to feel so much better, so I have spent the first week of January shooting customs and getting back into work. I am so tired already!
So, very exciting news...

YAY! I can't wait to hear from you! :)


Hello my lovely followers!
So, where have I been and when am I getting back to customs I hear you all asking?
Well I'm afraid to say that since I moved to the US in June this year, I have been sick as a dog. My body has done nothing but reject all food out here, even to this day, I've had several colds, I even got food poisoning for the first time in my life, and finally just last week I had to go to hospital for a suspected heart attack. Lovely, I know!
Now luckily I didn't have a heart attack, thank goodness, but nonetheless the doctors are working nonstop to figure out what is going on with me and why.
I'm hoping to finally have some answers by x-mas, as currently I have good days and bad days. On my good days I get a custom or some Onlyfans content shot, on my bad days I sleep for hours on end.

Why am I telling you all this?
Because with the state I'm in, it could take awhile to catch up on my emails and custom requests. And I need you to know this so you understand I'm doing the best I can to continue with the work I love to do, however you may need to be patient with me. 

So if you're willing to be patient then please do send me a message, but if you need a custom or reply ASAP then please read this as "All Customs Are  Closed For The Time Being!"

Ever faithful,
Customs tailored to you and your desires...

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