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Frequently Asked Questions
And other information
What do I do if I contact you but I don't hear back from you?
Everyone is allowed ONE nudge per custom, where you can send a follow up email. Anymore than that will be ignored.
Why can't I send multiple messages asking for a follow up?
Because all this does is clog up my emails, which are pretty consistently full. Meaning it will take myself and my virtual assistant, Jenny, even longer to get back to you.
No matter what, either Jenny or myself will get back to you, even if you end up in spam. WE ALWAYS REPLY!
Who is Jenny and why am I talking to her?
Jen is my virtual assistant (yes she is a real person so please treat her with respect!). You'll hear from Jen if I'm away and you need a response. As I have so many responsibilities to keep up with, Jen can step and answer any of your questions or help you with any queries.
Can I chat with you?
Yes you can! But not through my emails I'm afraid, I need to keep my emails as tidy as I can so that I don't lose or miss anything important. If you want to converse with me on a personal note, please join my Loyalfans, I'll happily send a free trial to get you started :)
Otherwise I expect you to keep your emails professional and to the point of your custom. I will personally reply to five emails, but if it takes more than that to get your custom booked in I'll have Jenny help you fill out the remaining details.
Can I meet you in person for a session?
I'm currently not taking on any Dom/sub sessions or tickling sessions. And most likely won't until I move back to the UK, earliest 2029. As the USA laws are far too gray for me to shoot that kind of work comfortably.
Will you shave your head/bush?
In a quick word, no. Why? Because they both are the reason I have such a following and would take far too long to get them back. Meaning what I would actually charge you for that custom would be very expensive.
Head shave: would take around 4 years to grow back to this length and would lose me a lot of work. £200,000.
Bush shave: This will take about 4 months to get it back to full growth, it will be extremely uncomfortable whilst growing back, and again my bush lovers will not be happy. £10,000.
Are you ticklish and other tickling questions?
I don't engage with this type of sexting messaging, if you want to dirty talk you can respectfully ask my rates. Otherwise, please purchase my tickle content on MV, LF, or but them
I won't use your name in a custom unless you’ve paid for an “exclusivity/Say My Name rate”.
Besides a gentleman’s agreement how could I guarantee your anonymity?
Professionally speaking, I would happily sign an NDA if that would put your mind at rest, which you could create through a DocuSign.
Personally, I can offer you my word. Selfishly its not within my best interest to “out” or embarrass any of my customers, I would lose a lot of repeat business if I did that and my accountant would be rather miffed. Also, if I were to expose anyone I would 100% expect to be named and shamed as a result, which again would be awful and deserved. Lastly, I like to be trusted with peoples customs, as I understand how deeply personal they are.
The longer I do this job the more often I end up running into this issue of being GHOSTED.
If you can no longer afford your custom please just have a conversation with me. We can always work out what is best for you whether that be payment installments, waiting until a date that suits you, cutting the script down and more.
Those options are far easier to work with and I'd feel far more respected.
What I don't want is for someone to;
-Take up my admin time with multiple emails. (When I could give that time to someone else.)
-Take that shoot date
-Take up the time to learn the script, build sets, find clothing, do hair and makeup, and then shoot.
-Take up my partner's time, which I will then pay out of pocket.
-Take up that downloading of cards, editing, and exporting time.
To do all of that, and then for me to hear nothing? Not fair.
So if you do that to me, this is your notice that once you have given me your script, it is now only fair that I can use your script for my own content.
You will have 1 Month from the edit date we agreed to, to get in touch with me and discuss.
This may sound cold. Please do understand I have all the sympathy in the world for those who fall ill last minute, or end up in hospital, get into an accident and what not, there is of course a grace period for those who talk to me. No one will receive any nasty emails, threats or otherwise.
I'll send a maximum of three follow up "Pay by this date" emails, which will be short and polite. After that, your custom will either be deleted or sold.
If you decide to get intouch with me many months later asking for the custom or another one, you will be required to pay 100% upfront to secure the next shoot date. This is non-negotiable.
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