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Need a rough idea of my availability?
This is the place!
Rule of thumb: I'm never available in the mornings as I'm either at Physical Therapy or other appointments until 2pm.
I typically don't work on Fridays, unless I advertise otherwise.
Currently only showing my SOLO availability. If you need my partner for your custom please contact me directly to discuss our next available date for you. 

When I have availability open in my calendar it will be up to me as to which date I give you depending on how much time I might need to shoot your custom. 

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September 2024

On the 30th I have my wisdom teeth taken out, and well only Zeus knows how long the recovery might take me, especially as I can't have a lot of painkillers at the moment. So I would say to expect delays, there won't be any video replies or filming until my mouth has healed up and I'm done sulking :P

October 2024
I'm taking a break from work to heal up as well as I haven't had a proper break yet this year. So I have earned some R&R.
I will be away from my desk and also unavailable to respond to emails until the 21st October.
I'll start monitoring emails at that time, but please don't expect a response until I'm officially back at work on the 4th November

Booking dates are going fast so if you would like to be penciled in please get in touch as soon as you can, as I'll be working from a first come first served basis.

4th-Booked all day Hair fetish
5th- Booked All Day Room317 Spanks
6th-Booked all day Scarlett Racked
7th & 8th Editing 
10th- Booked all day Restrained Elegance & Silk Soles
12th- Tom the Writer
13th- Dr. Shh
15th- Editing
18th-21st- AVAILABLE 
25th-28th- AVALIABLE


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Beautiful calendar created and curated by my sensational friend, Dr. Shh.

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